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About us

Czech Auto Legends manufactures the highest quality parts and components for beginner and advanced modelers. We specialize in warning beacons, lights and other products that cannot be produced in higher quality at home. For this, we use technologies of casting into metal molds, professional 3D printing, chrome plating, non-washable tampo print, professional printing of decals and more.

Czech Auto Legends also ensure quality production or modification of models to order. We cooperate with leading manufacturers and professional modelers in the Czech Republic.

3D tisk a odlévání
3D prints and casting


Our history

Owner of Czech Auto Legends, Martin Vild, is among the first post-revolutionary sellers of car models. He operated the first specialized store for car models in the center of Prague on the Havel market. In 1994, he became a co-owner of Foxtoys. Since the end of the nineties, he has ensured the production and professional modification of exclusive models at Foxtoys. Since 2020, Czech Auto Legends have been collaborating on model development with Model DEPO. Currently, Czech Auto Legends supplies the highest quality parts and components to leading dealers in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and also to Western Europe.

Manufacturing program

The core program is accurate models of accessories for 1/43 and 1/18 car models, especially beacons and lights. To ensure high quality and precision, they are produced by injection into metal molds.

Lepty - barvené a niklované
Etchings - coloured and nickel plated
Barevně potištěné lepty a gelová světla
Colour-printed etchings and gel lights
Chromování plastů i kovů
Chrome plating of plastics and metals

Production of models

We also mediate serial production of models. Our first 1/43 product was the Praga S5T Himalyan Expedition.

Modification of models

We are dedicated to modifying and rebuilding serial models using high-end 3D printed parts, metal etchings, cast resin parts and high-quality decals or foils.

Modely Mini GT
MINI GT models

MINI GT models

Czech Auto Legends officially represents MINI GT in the Czech Republic. We provide wholesale and retail sales of MINI GT models on our market.